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Ceramiche Cosmolena

Dicono di noi…

I recently spent three wonderful days in Ravello and, whilst walking across the main square, I saw a very interesting ceramic shop – the Ceramiche Cosmolena. Just inside the front door was this absolutely beautiful table which totally captivated me. I just had to have it. Probably an impetuous move I know in such a romantic part of the world but I’d not seen anything like it before and was sure I’d not get anything like it at home in Australia. So I simply bought it then and there but first the helpful staff showed me all the other tables they had available in case I might prefer another. As it was the first one took my heart and that was that. The table top and base, all 165 kg of it, was air-freighted to my home within a week. It arrived expertly crated and in perfect condition. It is now on my deck looking as beautiful as the day I bought it – a permanent memento of the town of Ravello and a real talking point for visitors to my home.


  • 30 Novembre 2018
    Olivia Banks

    Nullam elementum nibh nec pellentesque finibus. Suspendisse laoreet velit at eros eleifend, a pellentesque urna

  • 30 Novembre 2018
    Jane Fisher

    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Cras sollicitudin, tellus vitae condimentum egestas, libero dolor auctor tellus, eu consectetur neque elit quis nunc. Cras elementum pretium est. Nullam ac justo efficitur, tristique ligula a, pellentesque ipsum.


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